Fighting Elder Financial Abuse (PDF) Prepared Remarks of City Attorney Dennis Herrera, Joint Press Conference on Elder Abuse, San Francisco City Hall East Entrance (Feb. 11, 2003)
Investigation by City Attorney’s Public Integrity Task Force and City Controller Uncovers Elaborate Wrongdoing; Criminal Investigation Referred to U.S. Attorney
By Dennis Herrera
[Originally published in Windows on the Waterfront, February 2003]
To those of us with family and friends living on the East Coast, it’s been a difficult winter to avoid gloating about the relative good fortune we enjoy here in San Francisco. Sure, we’ve endured a few big rainstorms during the fall and early winter, but El Nino seems fairly tame compared to the fierce wintry onslaught that pummeled our easterly fellow citizens. Not that we’re unsympathetic, of course. But let’s face it-there isn’t a non-native one of us who doesn’t enjoy hearing a little envy from the hometowns we left behind. There’s certainly no harm in thinking that winter weather is just one more reason we’ve got it better here, right?
By Dennis Herrera
[Originally published in the San Francisco Examiner, January 16, 2003]
I’ve made it a general rule in life to avoid public criticism of people whose height exceeds my own by more than a foot-and-a-half. And the fact that I’m about to break that rule in no way diminishes the compelling wisdom of a principle that has served me well throughout my career in law and, more recently, politics.
We’ve Gotta Give Them Hope (PDF) Prepared Remarks of City Attorney Dennis Herrera, Human Rights Campaign Federal Club, Bucheon Gallery, San Francisco (Dec. 9, 2002)
Remembering Robert Barnes (PDF) Prepared Remarks of City Attorney Dennis Herrera, Robert Barnes Memmorial Service, North Light Court, San Francisco City Hall (Aug. 26, 2002)
By Nettie Hoge and Dennis Herrera
[Originally published in the San Francisco Chronicle, Friday, January 25, 2002]
IF THERE’S one thing the Enron debacle has demonstrated, it is that in the energy business, smoke and mirrors are the rule and in the end, consumers are left stranded.
Inaugural Address (PDF) Prepared Remarks of City Attorney Dennis Herrera, Inauguration of the City Attorney, Board of Supervisors Chambers, San Francisco City Hall (Jan. 8, 2002)