On January 31, 2017 City Attorney Dennis Herrera filed a federal lawsuit against President Donald Trump and his administration for his executive order directing enforcement action against sanctuary cities and threatening to withhold federal funding from these cities. The suit claims that the order is unconstitutional and exceeds the president’s power. Updates will be posted here as the case develops.
After earlier victories brought a temporary reprieve, Herrera wins permanent ruling that removes threat to federally funded programs across the country
PDF copies of key court documents in our lawsuit against President Trump over his unconstitutional sanctuary executive order. Please note the documents are in chronological order, with the latest documents filed at the bottom.
Federal judge denies president’s request to lift the enforcement freeze and rejects President’s motion to dismiss Herrera’s lawsuit challenging the executive order.
Court sides with San Francisco on every major legal issue, issues order that protects billions of dollars for food, health care and other safety net programs while case plays out
Attorney for Trump says San Francisco risks losing minimal federal funding, acknowledges cities aren’t required to comply with federal immigration detainer requests
San Francisco has received an outpouring of legal support in its lawsuit against President Trump’s unconstitutional executive order on sanctuary cities. Below is a summary chart of the amicus briefs filed in the case, as well as pdf copies of the briefs.
City’s response comes amid outpouring of legal support for San Francisco, including 13 police chiefs and sheriffs saying Trump’s executive order hinders law enforcement’s ability to keep communities safe