Calling defendant ‘among the most abusive and lawless landlords I’ve encountered,’ City Attorney cites ‘breathtaking cruelty’ for targeting elderly, disabled renters
Defiant landlords used the Ellis Act to evict long-term residents-including a disabled tenant-then marketed vacant flats as ‘vacation rentals’ for up to $595 per night
Federal lawsuit pushes ‘dubious legal theory’ that the U.S. Constitution’s Commerce Clause prohibits local jurisdictions from making local land use decisions
Stakes are significant not just for tenants facing Ellis Act evictions, but ‘for many laws that protect land use and our environment,’ City Attorney says
Ordinance balances San Francisco’s ‘compelling public interest to protect renters from financial devastation’ with the property rights of landlords, City Attorney contends
Pervasive code violations, musical rooms, defrauding taxpayers to house city-assisted clients lead to lawsuit about ‘aggressively protecting our most vulnerable residents’
City Attorney hails outcome in high-stakes litigation as ‘a major legal victory that protects affordable housing at a time when San Francisco desperately needs it’