“Now it’s time for the FDA to finish the job and apply the same public health standard to Juul, which is Big Tobacco’s stalking horse and has targeted children.”
SAN FRANCISCO (Sept. 10, 2021) — City Attorney Dennis Herrera issued the following statement today after the FDA issued marketing denial orders for 946,000 flavored e-cigarette products:

“I applaud the FDA’s decision to order thousands of flavored e-cigarette products off the market. We’ve said for years that flavored vaping products pose an overwhelming risk to our children and public health.
I’m proud that more than two years ago San Francisco stood up for kids and blocked the sale of e-cigarettes that have not received FDA authorization, building on the City’s work restricting the sale of flavored tobacco products. This decision by the FDA underscores how right we were. The FDA has now made clear that the harm from e-cigarettes clearly outweighs the supposed benefits.
Now it’s time for the FDA to finish the job and apply the same public health standard to Juul, which is Big Tobacco’s stalking horse and has targeted children. Until the FDA does the right thing, states and local governments must continue to lead.”
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