“It’s up to all of us to look into our hearts, be a part of the solution and make sure we are there for our Asian American friends, neighbors and compatriots.”
SAN FRANCISCO (March 18, 2021) – San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera issued the following statement today unequivocally condemning anti-Asian racism and violence. Anti-Asian hate incidents, like harassment and violence, have been on the rise since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. On Tuesday, a shooter in the Atlanta area killed eight people, including six Asian women.

“The horrific shootings in the Atlanta area this week must be confronted for what they are: hate.
Targeting these three businesses doesn’t appear to be random. Six of the eight victims were Asian women. It looks like the latest and worst example of the hate crimes and racism that have flared up across the country against our Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. These cannot be tolerated. This bigotry is the work of cowards and bullies who don’t understand what it means to be an American.
It might be convenient to explain away some of these racist acts as the product of bigoted disinformation that the last president spread about the pandemic. That certainly may be the case, but it’s not the full truth.
The last president tapped into an ugly vein of anti-Asian sentiment that runs through American history dating back to the Gold Rush. Sadly, this bigotry has reared its ugly head before during times of war, recession and pandemic. We’re in the midst of the latest manifestation.
Let’s put a final end to it.
It’s up to all of us to look into our hearts, be a part of the solution and make sure we are there for our Asian American friends, neighbors and compatriots. We need to stand in solidarity with our Asian American communities. We are one nation, and there is no room for bigotry in the United States of America.”