City Hall’s South Light Court will play host to news conference after the federal appellate court rules on the merits of challenge
SAN FRANCISCO (Feb. 6, 2012) — City Attorney Dennis Herrera will host a news conference tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. in the South Light Court of San Francisco City Hall to make a statement and answer questions about tomorrow’s forthcoming ruling from the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on the constitutionality of Proposition 8, the narrowly passed state constitutional amendment that eliminated marriage rights for same-sex couples in California. The decision will also address a motion to vacate the lower court judgment in the case. According to a statement from the public information office of the Ninth Circuit, the Court anticipates filing its opinion tomorrow (Tuesday, February 7) by 10:00 a.m. The case is Perry v. Brown, case numbers 10-16696 and 11-16577.
News Conference to respond to Prop 8 decision
City Attorney Dennis Herrera
Attorneys, officials and advocates TBD
Tuesday, Feb. 7 at 11:00 a.m.
City Hall, South Light Court
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, Calif.
The lead plaintiff in the case, the American Foundation for Equal Rights, will be hosting its own news conference in Los Angeles at 10:30, which will be live streamed, and plans to host a news conference later in the afternoon in San Francisco. Details will follow. The City intervened in the federal challenge to Prop 8 alongside AFER, which filed the case on behalf of two California couples in May 2009. In doing so, the City Attorney’s Office is representing the public sector interest in opposing discriminatory marriage laws. Additional information on the case are available on the City Attorney’s Web site at, and AFER’s website at
Related Documents:
PDF of news conference advisory for the 9th circuit ruling on Prop 8 (Feb. 6, 2012)