Journalists Will Likely Find Newly Expanded City Attorney Resources Helpful for Covering San Francisco City and County Government
SAN FRANCISCO (July 27, 2005) — City Attorney Dennis Herrera today announced the availability of the “Good Government Guide” for 2005, a publication of the San Francisco City Attorney’s Office that provides City employees and officials a useful and accessible overview of major laws governing their conduct as public servants — from public meetings and public records responsibilities, to conflict-of-interest and personal financial reporting requirements. The 2005 edition, which offers new material on the responsibilities of City board members and commissioners and a Supplement compiling the full text of relevant laws, joins an expanded offering of online video training that includes a new program on Public Records Laws. The good government resources will remain available for viewing and downloading throughout the coming fiscal year at
“As public officials, we have no higher obligation than to conduct the functions of San Francisco government in a manner that is honest, open to scrutiny and responsive to the citizens we serve,” Herrera said. “For all the public servants who bear that responsibility — as well as for the citizens and journalists to whom we are responsible — I am pleased to introduce the 2005 ‘Good Government Guide’ and the online video training presentations that accompany it. I hope City officials, citizens and journalists take full advantage of these helpful resources.”
Distribution of more than 1,000 hard copies of the “Good Government Guide” has already begun among the City’s more than one-hundred departments, boards, commissions and officials. Copies are also available for viewing at the Government Information Center at the Public Library’s Main Branch, 100 Larkin Street in San Francisco.